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I scribbled down the names, a chilling list of nations that held the power to turn earth into a barren wasteland. The leaders of these nations were not unlike petulant children, waving their nuclear arsenals around like toys. Their threats and posturing showed a gross disregard for the potential devastation their actions could cause.

The count of their deadly toys stood tall – Russia, 5,889; United States, 5,244; China, 410; France, 290; United Kingdom, 225; Pakistan, 170; India, 164; Israel, 90; North Korea, 30. A sickening display of power.

These were the puppet masters of humanity’s fate. And beneath them, ordinary people – families – would bear the brunt of their reckless decisions. The irony was bitter. Leaders who had been chosen by their people showed no regard for them.

The phrase “Love one another” had lost its meaning in this world of ours. Egos and power plays had taken precedence over respect and compassion.

I found myself searching for signs in the prophecies, for an indication of who might spark this cataclysmic chain of events. My mind lingered on the image of the first horseman – the conqueror armed with a bow. Could he be an allegory for one of these leaders?

My gaze wandered over my notes again. The words seemed to jump off the page – Russia and United States at the top of the list with staggering numbers of warheads. China too had considerable might. But it was the first horseman’s weapon that caught my attention.

A bow – a weapon that requires precision and distance rather than brute force. A strategic weapon rather than a show of raw power.

My heart skipped a beat as I considered this. Could this be pointing to a leader who prefers strategic warfare over brute force? Was there someone amongst these nations who was known for such an approach?

As I considered this, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. The horseman’s conquest wasn’t a matter of if, but when. And while the prophecies didn’t specify who he was, they were clear about the consequences of his actions.

But as a witness, all I could do was document and warn. The choice to heed the warning or ignore it was not in my hands.

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